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=== Usage ===
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: Return to Home'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
=== Modes ===
If Return to Home is engaged by assigned GeoLink channel there is possibility to use tri-state switch also for programming of a new Home spot.
In the Channels window you will be able to see Function as '''On (1)''', '''Off''' and '''On (2)''' which is corresponding to 100%, 0% and -100% channel value.
When '''On (1)''' is displayed it mean that at this point Return to Home is engaged and model will move at the Home spot.
When '''On (2)''' is displayed the unit is in a programming mode which allow to overwrite current Home spot to the new with position at which the model currently is. Please note that it can't be engaged when model is flying or if GNSS signal is very weak.
=== New Home position ===
It is possible to program the Home position either with the Spirit Settings by selecting a point at the Map. Or there is possibility to use GeoLink channel to do so even if you are out of a computer.
If assigned GeoLink channel is used you have to set '''On (2)''' function state and keep it on for at least 2 seconds. At this period Status LED of the unit will turn off and after 2 seconds new Home position is programmed. Once finished the LED must turn On again.

Revision as of 11:00, 6 June 2018

1 GeoLink Support

GeoLink is supported from firmware version 2.5. In order to utilize all the functions it is necessary to enable the support in the Spirit Settings - General tab.

2 Compass Calibration

All GeoLink modules were fully tested and calibrated. The only thing pilot might need is to re-calibrate Compass. Compass is crucial for determining heading of the model for a proper navigation through space. Compass is sensing Earth's magnetic field (Geomagnetic field) and in this way it can determine heading at any time. Unfortunately Geomagnetic field is different everywhere. Thus if you live outside Czech Republic country where module was calibrated initially, it is recommended to perform new calibration. [TODO: need to perform testing with a pilots]

2.1 How to check

To verify that GeoLink is calibrated correctly for your area, please launch the Spirit Settings and open GeoLink settings window. At Info tab you can see current Heading value.

Please place the model or just GeoLink to the North as close as you can, so that flight direction of the model is front of the arrow. ideally compare to an analogue compass.

When heading to North, you should see approximately 90 +/- 4°. Measured value should not be far from this.

Info.png We recommend to not use a smart devices for compass heading comparison. These are usually not calibrated at all nor allow the calibration. An analogue compass is the best for comparison.

2.2 Odd behavior

If Compass calibration is wrong you will notice that features such as Geo-fence, Return to Home, Position Hold are not working precisely. For example when Return to Home is engaged and model reached programmed Home position, the model could move in a circle manner around that spot, instead of stable hovering. The bigger is circle, the bigger is Compass heading error. If you can observe this behavior always, then it is clear sign that you need to re-calibrate the Compass.

2.3 Calibration process

In order to perform the calibration it is necessary to enter Spirit Settings/GeoLink/Module and click the Calibration request button. After confirmation you will have to disconnect power from the module.

  1. When powering up the model with GeoLink you will immediately notice 3 series of rapid LED flashing.
  2. The Status LED will be indicating progress of the calibration then. Start moving with the model in all possible directions and angles to mimic a sphere. Any LED flash will indicate that a new calibration data were acquired.
  3. Rotate with the module as long until you will see periodic LED flashing. At this point the calibration is finished. After following re-power the module is ready for operation.

Info.png For 600+ class helicopters we recommend to perform calibration while GeoLink is not mounted. In that way it can be more comfortable and easier.
Info.png Calibration should be done ideally at the flying field but can be performed usually indoor as well.

Warning.png Calibration will not finish until it is fully done. If power is turned off while calibration is not finished, the calibration process will start from the beginning on next power up.

3 Return to Home

To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.


3.1 Usage

The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.

  1. To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
  2. To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign F: Return to Home function in the General/Channels to an available channel.

3.2 Modes

If Return to Home is engaged by assigned GeoLink channel there is possibility to use tri-state switch also for programming of a new Home spot. In the Channels window you will be able to see Function as On (1), Off and On (2) which is corresponding to 100%, 0% and -100% channel value.

When On (1) is displayed it mean that at this point Return to Home is engaged and model will move at the Home spot.

When On (2) is displayed the unit is in a programming mode which allow to overwrite current Home spot to the new with position at which the model currently is. Please note that it can't be engaged when model is flying or if GNSS signal is very weak.

3.3 New Home position

It is possible to program the Home position either with the Spirit Settings by selecting a point at the Map. Or there is possibility to use GeoLink channel to do so even if you are out of a computer.

If assigned GeoLink channel is used you have to set On (2) function state and keep it on for at least 2 seconds. At this period Status LED of the unit will turn off and after 2 seconds new Home position is programmed. Once finished the LED must turn On again.