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== Soporte GEOLINK ==
GEOLINK es compatible desde la version 2.5.Para poder utilizar todas las funciones, es necesario habilitar el soporte en la configuracion de SPIRIT-"GENERAL TAB" PRIMERO.
== Soporte GeoLink ==
Despues de habilitar,guarde la configuracion y vuelva a encender el modelo.
== Calibracion de la brujula ==
Spirit GeoLink module is supported by all Spirit units. In order to utilize all the functions it is necessary to enable the support in the Spirit Settings - ''General tab'' first.
After enabling, save the settings and re-power the model.
Todos los modulos GEOLINK fueron totalmente probados y calibrados.Lo unico que podria necesitar el piloto es volver a calibrar la brujula.
== Calibracion de la Brujula ==
Todos los modulos GeoLink fueron totalmente probados y calibrados. Lo unico que podria necesitar el piloto es volver a calibrar la brujula.
La brujula es crucial para determinar el rumbo del modelo para una navegacion adecuada a traves del espacio.
La brujula es crucial para determinar el rumbo del modelo para una navegacion adecuada a traves del espacio.
La brujula detecta el (campo magnetico) y de esta manera puede determinar el rumbo en cualquier momento.
La brujula detecta el (campo magnetico) y de esta manera puede determinar el rumbo en cualquier momento.
Desafortunamente el campo geomagnetico es diferente en todas partes.Por lo tanto "si el modelo se opera fuera de la republica checa, se recomienda encarecidamente realizar la nueva calibracion"
Desafortunamente el campo geomagnetico es diferente en todas partes. Por lo tanto '''si el modelo se opera fuera de la republica checa, se recomienda encarecidamente realizar la nueva calibracion'''
Los modulos GEOLINK se calibran en fabrica para la republica checa.
Los modulos GeoLink se calibran en fabrica para la Republica Checa.
=== Como revisar ===
=== Como revisar ===
Para verificar que GEOLINK esta calibraado correctamente para su area, inicie "SPIRIT SETTING" en SPIRIT y abara la ventana "GEOLINK SETTINGS"
If your model will start to do a circles around a spot it should fly, then it is clear mark that the Compass Calibration is required.
En la pestaña "INFO TAB" puede ver el valor actual del encabezado.
Por favor coloque el modelo GEOLINK lo mas al "norte" posible, de modod que la direccion de vuelo del modelo este delante de la flecha.
To precisely verify that GeoLink is calibrated correctly for your area, please launch the ''Spirit Settings'' and open ''GeoLink settings'' window.
At '''Info tab''' you can see current Heading value.
Por favor coloque el modelo GeoLink lo mas al '''norte''' posible, de modod que la direccion de vuelo del modelo este delante de la flecha.
Lo ideal es comparar con una brujula analogica.
Lo ideal es comparar con una brujula analogica.
"IMPORTANTE":Asegurese de que al leer el encabezado,el modelo se encuentra en el plano horizontal. De modo que en la pestaña "MODULE TAB" vera una inclinacion de 0 grados,dado que algunos modelos como SAB globin, MSH protos estan inclinados, es necesario encontrar primero la inclinacion cero del modelo.
When heading to '''North''', you should see approximately '''90 +/- 4°'''. Measured value should not be far from this. If so, please perform Compass Calibration again.
Cuando se dirija a "NORTH" deberia ver aproximadamente "90+/-4grados".El valor medido no debe estar lejos de esto
{{Info|[[File:Info.png|18px|]] Recomendamos no utilizar dispositivos inteligentes para la comparacion de rumbo de la brujula. Estos por lo general no estan calibrados en absoluto ni permiten la calibracion. Una brujula analogica es lo mejor para la comparacion.}}
{{Info|[[File:Info.png|18px|]] Recomendamos no utilizar dispositivos inteligentes para la comparacion de rumbo de la brujula.Estos por lo general no estan calibrados en absoluto ni permiten la calibracion.Una brujula analogica es lo mejor para la comparacion.}}
=== Comportamiento raro ===
=== Comportamiento raro ===
If Compass calibration is wrong you will notice that features such as Geo-fence, Return to Home, Position Hold are not working precisely.
Si la calibracion de brujula es incorrecta, notara que las funciones como Geo-fence. Return to Home, Postion Hold no funcionaran con precision.
For example when Return to Home is engaged and model reached programmed Home position, the model could move in a circle manner around that spot, instead of stable hovering.
Por ejemplo, cuando el retorno al inicio esta activado y el modelo alcanza la posicion de inicio programada, el modelo podria moverse en forma circular alrededor de ese punto, en lugar de un movimiento estable. Cuanto mas grande es el circulo, Mas grande es el error de rumbo de la brujula. Si se puede observar este comportamiento siempre, es una señal clara de que necesita volver a calibrar la brujula.
The bigger is circle, the bigger is Compass heading error. If you can observe this behavior always, then it is clear sign that you need to re-calibrate the Compass.
=== Calibration process ===
=== Proceso de calibracion ===
In order to perform the calibration it is necessary to enter Spirit Settings/GeoLink/Module and click the '''Calibration request''' button.
Para realizar la calibracion es necesario ingresar a Spirit Settings/GeoLink/Module y hacer clic en el boton "Calibration request".
Now you can disconnect power and USB interface cable from the model.
Ahora puede desconectar la alimentacion y el cable de interfaz USB del modelo.
#On the following power up of the model you will immediately notice 3 series of rapid LED flashing on the GeoLink.
#During following power up of the model you will immediately notice 3 series of rapid LED flashing on the GeoLink. This always signalize module is in the Calibration mode.
#The Status LED will be indicating progress of the calibration then. Start moving with the model in all possible directions and angles to mimic a sphere. Any LED flash will indicate that a new calibration data were acquired.
#Blue GeoLink LED will be indicating progress of the calibration. GeoLink v2 will light up also Green LED when calibration is ongoing.
#Rotate with the module as long until you will see periodic LED flashing. At this point the calibration is finished. After following re-power the module is ready for operation.<br/>
#Start moving with the model in all possible directions and angles to mimic a sphere. When Blue LED will flash then it will indicate a new calibration data were acquired.
{{Info|[[File:Info.png|18px|]] For 600+ class helicopters we recommend to perform calibration while GeoLink is not mounted. In that way it can be more comfortable and easier.<br/>[[File:Info.png|18px|]] Calibration should be done ideally at the flying field but can be performed usually indoor as well.}}
#Rotate with the module as long until you will see periodic Blue LED flashing. At this point the calibration is finished. Green LED light of the GeoLink v2 will be turned Off. After following re-power the module is ready for operation.
Successful calibration will end up only with periodic GeoLink LED light flashing. If you will not reach to this point then model was not rotated to all directions. During next power up new calibration will be started. This will happen for next 2 times if calibration will be not finished. If it is not finished even for the 3rd time then original calibration data will be used.
{{Info|[[File:Info.png|18px|]] Para tamaños de helicopteros superior a 600, recomendamos realizar una calibracion mientras GeoLink no este montado. De esta manera puede ser mas facil.<br/>[[File:Info.png|18px|]] La calibracion debe realizarse idealmente en el campo de vuelo, pero tambien se puede realizar en interiores tambien.}}
{{Quote|Calibration will not finish until it is fully done. If power is turned off while calibration is not finished, the calibration process will start from the beginning on next power up.}}
{{Quote|'''Spirit Setings will not see GeoLink''' during Calibration mode. Calibration will not finish until it is fully done. If power is turned off while calibration is not finished, the calibration process will start from the beginning after next power up.}}
=== Calibration Video ===
== How to configure ==
Here you can find video from the calibration process.
As the first step pilot has to decide what GeoLink feature he want to use. To find how each feature is working please visit [[GeoLink_Features|Features page]].
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skH0u2yV6_M&t=6s&ab_channel=FrankFussenegger Example video from the Calibration process]
Pilot can enable multiple features at the same time if needed.
Check feature you would like to use in the Aid tab of the GeoLink window.
== Como configurar ==
As the first step pilot has to decide what GeoLink feature he want to use.
Pilot can enable multiple features at the same time if needed. They can be combined, however for initial verification we recommend to enable only one function at a time.
Enable feature you would like to use in the Aid tab of the GeoLink window by ticking the Checkbox.
After enabling, available parameters for the particular feature will be accessible. By these parameters behavior of selected feature can be customized to fulfill a needs.
After enabling, available parameters for the particular feature will be accessible. By these parameters behavior of selected feature can be customized to fulfill a needs.
For the first tries we recommend to use a default values.
For the first tries we recommend to use a default values.
=== Triggering ===
=== Activacion ===
You can verify if triggering mechanism is working correctly even before actual flight by checking the Aid tab.
You can verify if triggering mechanism for any feature is working correctly even before actual flight by checking the Aid tab.
If a feature is engaged you will see '''ACTIVE''' or in other case '''Inactive'''.
If a feature is engaged you will see '''ACTIVE''' or in other case '''Inactive'''.
{{Quote|For safety reasons do not engage any GeoLink feature before model is in the air at appropriate altitude.}}
{{Quote|For safety reasons turn off all GeoLink features before lift off. Then in a safe altitude you can enable the feature carefully. All features can be instantly disengaged at any moment so you can continue in a normal flight.}}
==== Stabi function ====
==== Funcion Stabi ====
By default all GeoLink features are engaged as soon as a Stabi function is active. For example if Coaxial or Rescue mode is engaged the GeoLink feature is engaged as well and complement operation of a Stabi function by acting simultaneously.
Por defecto, todas las funciones de GeoLink se activan tan pronto como se activa una funcion Stabi.Por ejemplo, si el modo Coaxial o Rescue esta activado, la funcion GeoLink tambien esta activada y complementa el funcionamiento de una funcion Stabi actuando simultamniamente.
We recommend to set Stabi/Function to '''Coaxial''' mode for Geo-fence, Return to Home and Position Hold features.
Recomendamos configurar Stabi/Function en modo'''Coaxial''' para las caracteristicas de Geo-fence. Return to Home y Position Hold.
We recommend to use this way only when you are out of a free channels.
==== Dedicated GeoLink channel ====
==== Dedicated GeoLink channel [Recommended] ====
Alternatively you can assign a GeoLink feature to any free channel in the General/Channels window. In the right part of the Spirit Settings software select which feature you would like to assign. (for example '''F: Return to Home'''). Then select appropriate channel which will be used for engaging.
More strightforward way is to assign a GeoLink feature to any free channel in the General/Channels window. In the right part of the Spirit Settings software select which feature you would like to assign. (for example '''F: GeoLink Return to Home'''). Then select appropriate channel which will be used for engaging.
You can use same channel for multiple features at the same time.
You can use same channel for multiple features at the same time.
== Geo-fence ==
== GeoLink functions ==
To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.
=== Usage ===
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: GeoLink Geo-fence'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
{{Info|[[File:Info.png|18px|]] Please make sure that Geo-fence Area was defined.}}
=== Modes ===
If Geo-fence is engaged by assigned GeoLink channel there is possibility to use tri-state switch also for programming of a new Geo-fence area.
In the Channels window you will be able to see Function as '''On (1)''', '''Off''' and '''On (2)''' which is corresponding to 100%, 0% and -100% channel value.
When '''On (1)''' is displayed it mean that at this point Geo-fence is engaged and flight area is restricted. The model will return upon exceeding the area to the center of the area. Then pilot has to re-engage the feature in order to continue in flight.
When '''On (2)''' is displayed the unit is in a programming mode which allow to overwrite current Geo-fence to the new with position at which the model currently is. Please note that it will not work if model is flying or if GNSS signal is very weak.
=== New Geo-fence programming ===
It is possible to program the Geo-fence either with the Spirit Settings by selecting a points at the Map. Or there is possibility to use GeoLink channel to do so even if you are out of a computer.
If assigned GeoLink channel is used you have to set '''On (2)''' function state and keep it on for at least 2 seconds. At this period Status LED of the unit will turn off and after 2 seconds new Geo-fence point is programmed.
Pilot has to define two points that will determine new area diagonally. To program both points pilot have to engage the programming two times. From two diagonal points a rectangular area is calculated.
After the first point programming the Status LED at the Spirit will be still Off. After the second point programming the LED must turn On which will signalize success. New area is applied immediately.
== Altitude Limit ==
To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.
=== Usage ===
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: GeoLink Altitude Limit'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
==== Triggering Acceleration ====
This parameter is key for engaging the Rescue mode fast enough if your model is approaching towards the ground.
The faster is descending velocity, the faster the Rescue is engaged. This mean that the Rescue can be engaged above configured Minimum limit to save the model safely. If model is approaching the Minimum limit slowly then the rescue is engaged at configured level.
Low Triggering Acceleration value is causing only minor difference.
== Return to Home ==
To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.
=== Usage ===
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: GeoLink Return to Home'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
{{Info|[[File:Info.png|18px|]] Please make sure that Home spot was defined in the Map tab.}}
=== Modes ===
If Return to Home is engaged by assigned GeoLink channel there is possibility to use tri-state switch also for programming of a new Home spot.
In the Channels window you will be able to see Function as '''On (1)''', '''Off''' and '''On (2)''' which is corresponding to 100%, 0% and -100% channel value.
When '''On (1)''' is displayed it mean that at this point Return to Home is engaged and model will move at the Home spot.
When '''On (2)''' is displayed the unit is in a programming mode which allow to overwrite current Home spot to the new with position at which the model currently is. Please note that it will not work if model is flying or if GNSS signal is very weak.
=== New Home position ===
It is possible to program the Home position either with the Spirit Settings by selecting a point at the Map. Or there is possibility to use GeoLink channel to do so even if you are out of a computer.
If assigned GeoLink channel is used you have to set '''On (2)''' function state and keep it on for at least 2 seconds. At this period Status LED of the unit will turn off and after 2 seconds new Home position is programmed. Once finished the LED must turn On again.
== Auto Landing ==
To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.
=== Usage ===
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: GeoLink Auto Landing'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
=== Geo-fence ===
== Position Hold ==
This feature allows to restrict flying area so that when flying over the model will return. Pilot can set a virtual fence in which the model is allowed to fly.
To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.
Visit [[GeoLink_Geofence|Geo-fence page]] to see all details about the function.
=== Altitude Limit ===
=== Usage ===
If you are worried you will forget to engage the Rescue mode in time, this feature is what you are looking for.
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
Visit [[GeoLink_Altitude_Limit|Altitude Limit page]] to see all details about the function.
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
=== Return to Home ===
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: GeoLink Position Hold'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
Whenever you will loose orientation, this function is the best option. You have to only engage the function with your transmitter and wait until the model returns to a defined position.
== Altitude Hold ==
Visit [[GeoLink_Return_to_Home|Return to Home page]] to see all details about the function.
To enable this feature it is required to tick the CheckBox in the GeoLink window/Aid tab.
=== Auto Landing ===
Whenever you want to land with the model you can use this feature to do so automatically.
=== Usage ===
Visit [[GeoLink_Auto_Landing|Auto Landing page]] to see all details about the function.
The feature can be engaged at any given time by a command from your radio. It is important to decide in which way the feature can be engaged as there are two options.
=== Posicion Hold ===
# To engage with Stabi function - in this case the feature is engaged when programmed Stabi function is engaged. This mean you do not need to assign any other switch than when used for e.g. Stabilisation mode
If you are learning the basics this feature can help you significantly in maintaining required spot. If you are not strong in hovering the feature will do the job for you.
# To engage with assigned GeoLink channel - it is required to assign ''F: GeoLink Altitude Hold'' function in the ''General/Channels'' to an available channel.
=== Modes ===
Visit [[GeoLink_Position_Hold|Position Hold page]] to see all details about the function.
If Altitude Hold is engaged by assigned GeoLink channel there is possibility to use tri-state switch also for disabling Collective Pitch input.
=== Altitude Hold ===
In the Channels window you will be able to see Function as '''On (1)''', '''Off''' and '''On (2)''' which is corresponding to 100%, 0% and -100% channel value.
When '''On (1)''' is displayed it mean that altitude in which the feature was engaged will be held. Pilot is still able to change Collective Pitch, but in a limited manner. Collective Pitch reaction will be slower than in a normal flight mode.
If pilot is unable to maintain altitude the feature can control collective pitch automatically for him.
When '''On (2)''' is displayed it mean that altitude in which the feature was engaged will be held. Pilot is unable to change Collective Pitch by pitch stick. So that Collective Pitch steering is fixed and is changed only by GeoLink in order to hold right altitude.
Visit [[GeoLink_Altitude_Hold|Altitude Hold page]] to see all details about the function.
== Correction Gains ==
== Ganancias de correccion ==
GeoLink features are doing a certain movements to achieve desired position of the model. These movements are small corrections which are dependent on parameters of the model.
Las caracteristicas de GeoLink estan realizando ciertos movimientos para lograr la posicion deseada del modelo. Estos movimientos son pequeñas correcciones que dependen de los parametros del modelo. Para modelos muy agiles esta correcion puede ser menor. Mientras que para los modelos pesados y grandes, es posible que necesite un tamaño mayor para reducir el tiempo requerido para lograr la posicion deseada.
For very agile models these correction can be smaller. While for heavy and big models you might need bigger in order to reduce time required to achieve desired position.
=== Horiontal Gain ===
=== Horiontal Gain( ganancia horizontal) ===
Horizontal gain affects features such as Geo-fence, Return To Home and Position Hold.
La ganacia horizontal afecta a caracteristicas tales como Geo-fence, Return to Home y Position Hold.
For example if Return to Home feature is engaged and it takes too long to return at programmed home spot it is necessary to increase Horizontal correction.
Por ejemplo, si la funcion regresar a casa esta activada y se tarda demasiado en regresar al lugar programado, es necesario aumentar la correccion horizontal.
Too high value will result in excess (too visible) corrections even when model is maintaining spot on position.
Un valor demasiado alto resultara en correcciones excesivas(Dmasiado visibles) incluso cuando el modelo se mantiene en un lugar.
=== Vertical Gain ===
=== Vertical Gain( ganancia vertical) ===
Vertical gain affects features such as Altitude Limit and Altitude Hold.
Vertical gain affects features such as Altitude Limit and Altitude Hold. When model is oscillating in altitude it is necessary to decrease value until it will stop. It is recommended to adjust and check the behavior in no wind. Too high value will result in a more apparent oscillations. Starting with default gains is advised.
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{|style="width: 100%;color: white;"
{|style="width: 100%;color: white;"
| style="width: 33%;"| [[GeoLink_Mounting|&larr; Mounting]]  
| style="width: 33%;"| [[Montaje_GeoLink|&larr; Montaje]]  
| style="width: 33%;text-align:center;"| [[#up|&uarr;Up&uarr;]]
| style="width: 33%;text-align:center;"| [[#up|&uarr;Arriba&uarr;]]
| style="text-align:right;" | [[GeoLink_Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting &rarr;]]
| style="text-align:right;" | [[GeoLink_Logging|Logging &rarr;]]

Latest revision as of 15:40, 15 September 2022

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1 Soporte GeoLink

Spirit GeoLink module is supported by all Spirit units. In order to utilize all the functions it is necessary to enable the support in the Spirit Settings - General tab first. After enabling, save the settings and re-power the model.

2 Calibracion de la Brujula

Todos los modulos GeoLink fueron totalmente probados y calibrados. Lo unico que podria necesitar el piloto es volver a calibrar la brujula. La brujula es crucial para determinar el rumbo del modelo para una navegacion adecuada a traves del espacio. La brujula detecta el (campo magnetico) y de esta manera puede determinar el rumbo en cualquier momento. Desafortunamente el campo geomagnetico es diferente en todas partes. Por lo tanto si el modelo se opera fuera de la republica checa, se recomienda encarecidamente realizar la nueva calibracion Los modulos GeoLink se calibran en fabrica para la Republica Checa.

2.1 Como revisar

If your model will start to do a circles around a spot it should fly, then it is clear mark that the Compass Calibration is required.

To precisely verify that GeoLink is calibrated correctly for your area, please launch the Spirit Settings and open GeoLink settings window. At Info tab you can see current Heading value.

Por favor coloque el modelo GeoLink lo mas al norte posible, de modod que la direccion de vuelo del modelo este delante de la flecha. Lo ideal es comparar con una brujula analogica.

When heading to North, you should see approximately 90 +/- 4°. Measured value should not be far from this. If so, please perform Compass Calibration again.

Info.png Recomendamos no utilizar dispositivos inteligentes para la comparacion de rumbo de la brujula. Estos por lo general no estan calibrados en absoluto ni permiten la calibracion. Una brujula analogica es lo mejor para la comparacion.

2.2 Comportamiento raro

Si la calibracion de brujula es incorrecta, notara que las funciones como Geo-fence. Return to Home, Postion Hold no funcionaran con precision. Por ejemplo, cuando el retorno al inicio esta activado y el modelo alcanza la posicion de inicio programada, el modelo podria moverse en forma circular alrededor de ese punto, en lugar de un movimiento estable. Cuanto mas grande es el circulo, Mas grande es el error de rumbo de la brujula. Si se puede observar este comportamiento siempre, es una señal clara de que necesita volver a calibrar la brujula.

2.3 Proceso de calibracion

Para realizar la calibracion es necesario ingresar a Spirit Settings/GeoLink/Module y hacer clic en el boton "Calibration request". Ahora puede desconectar la alimentacion y el cable de interfaz USB del modelo.

  1. During following power up of the model you will immediately notice 3 series of rapid LED flashing on the GeoLink. This always signalize module is in the Calibration mode.
  2. Blue GeoLink LED will be indicating progress of the calibration. GeoLink v2 will light up also Green LED when calibration is ongoing.
  3. Start moving with the model in all possible directions and angles to mimic a sphere. When Blue LED will flash then it will indicate a new calibration data were acquired.
  4. Rotate with the module as long until you will see periodic Blue LED flashing. At this point the calibration is finished. Green LED light of the GeoLink v2 will be turned Off. After following re-power the module is ready for operation.

Successful calibration will end up only with periodic GeoLink LED light flashing. If you will not reach to this point then model was not rotated to all directions. During next power up new calibration will be started. This will happen for next 2 times if calibration will be not finished. If it is not finished even for the 3rd time then original calibration data will be used.

Info.png Para tamaños de helicopteros superior a 600, recomendamos realizar una calibracion mientras GeoLink no este montado. De esta manera puede ser mas facil.
Info.png La calibracion debe realizarse idealmente en el campo de vuelo, pero tambien se puede realizar en interiores tambien.

Warning.png Spirit Setings will not see GeoLink during Calibration mode. Calibration will not finish until it is fully done. If power is turned off while calibration is not finished, the calibration process will start from the beginning after next power up.

2.4 Calibration Video

Here you can find video from the calibration process.

Example video from the Calibration process

3 Como configurar

As the first step pilot has to decide what GeoLink feature he want to use. Pilot can enable multiple features at the same time if needed. They can be combined, however for initial verification we recommend to enable only one function at a time.

Enable feature you would like to use in the Aid tab of the GeoLink window by ticking the Checkbox. After enabling, available parameters for the particular feature will be accessible. By these parameters behavior of selected feature can be customized to fulfill a needs. For the first tries we recommend to use a default values.

3.1 Activacion

You can verify if triggering mechanism for any feature is working correctly even before actual flight by checking the Aid tab. If a feature is engaged you will see ACTIVE or in other case Inactive.

Warning.png For safety reasons turn off all GeoLink features before lift off. Then in a safe altitude you can enable the feature carefully. All features can be instantly disengaged at any moment so you can continue in a normal flight.

3.1.1 Funcion Stabi

Por defecto, todas las funciones de GeoLink se activan tan pronto como se activa una funcion Stabi.Por ejemplo, si el modo Coaxial o Rescue esta activado, la funcion GeoLink tambien esta activada y complementa el funcionamiento de una funcion Stabi actuando simultamniamente. Recomendamos configurar Stabi/Function en modoCoaxial para las caracteristicas de Geo-fence. Return to Home y Position Hold. We recommend to use this way only when you are out of a free channels.

3.1.2 Dedicated GeoLink channel [Recommended]

More strightforward way is to assign a GeoLink feature to any free channel in the General/Channels window. In the right part of the Spirit Settings software select which feature you would like to assign. (for example F: GeoLink Return to Home). Then select appropriate channel which will be used for engaging. You can use same channel for multiple features at the same time.


4 GeoLink functions

4.1 Geo-fence

This feature allows to restrict flying area so that when flying over the model will return. Pilot can set a virtual fence in which the model is allowed to fly.

Visit Geo-fence page to see all details about the function.

4.2 Altitude Limit

If you are worried you will forget to engage the Rescue mode in time, this feature is what you are looking for.

Visit Altitude Limit page to see all details about the function.

4.3 Return to Home

Whenever you will loose orientation, this function is the best option. You have to only engage the function with your transmitter and wait until the model returns to a defined position.

Visit Return to Home page to see all details about the function.

4.4 Auto Landing

Whenever you want to land with the model you can use this feature to do so automatically.

Visit Auto Landing page to see all details about the function.

4.5 Posicion Hold

If you are learning the basics this feature can help you significantly in maintaining required spot. If you are not strong in hovering the feature will do the job for you.

Visit Position Hold page to see all details about the function.

4.6 Altitude Hold

If pilot is unable to maintain altitude the feature can control collective pitch automatically for him.

Visit Altitude Hold page to see all details about the function.

5 Ganancias de correccion

Las caracteristicas de GeoLink estan realizando ciertos movimientos para lograr la posicion deseada del modelo. Estos movimientos son pequeñas correcciones que dependen de los parametros del modelo. Para modelos muy agiles esta correcion puede ser menor. Mientras que para los modelos pesados y grandes, es posible que necesite un tamaño mayor para reducir el tiempo requerido para lograr la posicion deseada.

5.1 Horiontal Gain( ganancia horizontal)

La ganacia horizontal afecta a caracteristicas tales como Geo-fence, Return to Home y Position Hold. Por ejemplo, si la funcion regresar a casa esta activada y se tarda demasiado en regresar al lugar programado, es necesario aumentar la correccion horizontal. Un valor demasiado alto resultara en correcciones excesivas(Dmasiado visibles) incluso cuando el modelo se mantiene en un lugar.

5.2 Vertical Gain( ganancia vertical)

Vertical gain affects features such as Altitude Limit and Altitude Hold. When model is oscillating in altitude it is necessary to decrease value until it will stop. It is recommended to adjust and check the behavior in no wind. Too high value will result in a more apparent oscillations. Starting with default gains is advised.