Problémy a jejich řešení

From Spirit System Manual
Revision as of 11:12, 16 September 2016 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Zkontrolujte trimy a subtrimy, v neutrální pozici musí být 0% výchylka, viz záložka ''Diagnostika''. Zvětšete pásmo necitlivosti kniplů v záložce ''Pokročilé''.")

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Popis problému Řešení
Deska cykliky nebo vrtulka ujíždí ihned po inicializaci systému do strany Zkontrolujte trimy a subtrimy, v neutrální pozici musí být 0% výchylka, viz záložka Diagnostika. Zvětšete pásmo necitlivosti kniplů v záložce Pokročilé.
Rudder or cyclic is not precise Increase cyclic gain and/or increase the gyro gain in the transmitter. Add exponential in the transmitter.
Aggressive cyclic pitch movement or fast forward flight leads to rapid, large tail oscillations Decrease pirouette consistency in the Advanced tab gradually by 10 until this disappears. Check the tail mechanics for binding.
Model oscillates in elevator or aileron axes Decrease cyclic gain in Sensor tab.
Tail oscillates rapidly Decrease gyro gain in the transmitter.
Model pirouette rotation is too slow/fast Increase/decrease rotation speed for rudder in Sensor tab.
Servos jitter randomly without external influences Check the cable connection between the receiver and the unit.
During stationary pirouettes model drifts Check the Subtrim configuration in the Servos tab. It seems to be inprecise.
Aggressive elevator stick movement leads to bouncing Increase elevator filter in Advanced tab and/or decrease cyclic feed forward in Advanced tab.
Cyclic feel is delayed or disconnected Increase cyclic feed forward in Advanced tab.
Elevator servo is not moving when initialization is finished Flight log from the previous flight was saved. View the log in the Diagnostic tab and fix reported problem.
Swashplate is jumping in a cycle when initialization is finished The unit was started with the Rescue mode engaged. Turn off the rescue from your transmitter.
Rudder stop is not equal for both sides Check rudder servo center position, rudder mechanics. You can also try to lower rudder limit for the side where bounce-back occur.