O modulu GeoLink
GeoLink je pomocný modul jednotek Spirit. Využívá Globální družicový polohový systém (GNSS) pro získání přesné pozice na zěmi. Pro další zpřesnění obsahuje tlakové, teplotní, vhlkostní čidla a také gyroskop, akcelerometr a kompas. Všechny tyto signály se zpracovávají v samostatném 32bit procesoru. Celek tak tvoří neobyčejné řešení pro R/C modely.
Družicový systém s globálním pokrytím se zkládá z:
- BeiDou
- Galileo
Modul může využívat všechny družicové systémy ve stejnou chvíli. Technologie GNSS je schopna určit polohu s přesností 2 metrů. Avšak díky pokročilým algoritmům a čidlům bylo možné přesnost vylepšit o jeden řád.
1 Účel
GeoLink je velmi užitečná periférie pro každého, kdo ocení:
- Držení přesné pozice a/nebo výšky.
- Vytyčení prostoru, ve kterém může model létat.
- Přivolání modelu zpět na domovskou pozici, kdykoli je to zapotřebí.
- Automatické spuštění záchranného režimu v případě poklesu modelu pod nastavenou hladinu.
- Vytyčení nejvyšší možné výšky, kterou model nemůže přesáhnout.
- Zaznám letové trasy a rychlosti.
2 Kvalita signálu
To work properly, it is crucial to provide optimal operating conditions that are mainly secured by correct module mounting on R/C model. It is always beneficial to ensure the best conditions as it is directly related to positioning precision, GNSS signal stability and time to first fix (TTFF). Any mounting improvement that can be done is helpful.
3 Time To First Fix
Whenever powering the module it starts by searching for all nearby satellites. This procedure takes a certain period until strong enough signal is found. Duration of the period is directly associated with module mounting and possible interference. If conditions are good the TTFF takes usually around 30 seconds. But thanks to advanced features implemented in GeoLink the period can be greatly reduced down to 6 seconds. Thus the module can be fully operable immediately after initialization of the Spirit unit. For further details see the Features section.
4 Status
For easy recognization of GeoLink status please observe the Status LED of the module. Correct behavior is that after power up the LED is turned on for a second and then is turned off. This mean that module boot up procedure was correct.
After this, the module is searching for a satellites. Once module will find enough satellites, it is Fixed and the Status LED become steady on. At this point you are ready to fly. If fixing takes more than 50 seconds then signal quality is bad. This could be caused by a nearby buildings or trees or by wrong module mounting or less likely by RF interference. If you are indoor then fixing time is taking significantly longer or even could never happen depending on how signal is attenuated.
Once module is fixed then chance for loosing the signal is reduced noticeably.
5 Safety
Although Spirit unit with GeoLink module can fly with no additional steering inputs, it is always required that pilot have full control over R/C models that are operated in this way. Pilot must always watch the model while holding radio transmitter and to not allow flying anywhere where a damage could occur. All functions that the module provide can be turned off at any time and with no delay so that pilot can steer the model normally. Improper operating conditions can lead to a failure of the system.
The user takes full responsibility for any damage or injury caused while flying an R/C model equipped with one of our devices. The manufacturer can neither guarantee nor control the conditions in which the unit is being used.